"This world get as e be..."

This world get as e be... Three days ago, I went to get some stuffs for my mother at a supermarket. The Supermarket is actually located on a busy road. I couldn't find the specific brand of the product she wanted, so I decided to leave for another. Stepping out of the supermarket, I noticed a scene. An old woman was almost knocked off by a car as she tried crossing the road. Though she wasn't hit, she fell and struggled to move to the road side where she laid. She was helpless. I decided to help her move out of the road since others weren't willing to help. I walked up to her, tapped her shoulders gently, greeted her and told her I wanted to help. I could see the beam of smile on her face. I helped her up, cleaned the dust off her clothes. I fixed up her little phone which fell to the ground in the process. "Thank you my son, but abeg put the phone for your pocket gimme..." she said. May I help you with the ba...