My parents travelled on good Friday morning. They were to be away for two days, in an Easter gospel conference at Abuja. I was left alone in the house. My mom gave me some money for my upkeep. I was instructed not to stay away from the good friday service, which was slated for 8am that morning. The service was conducted by the church we attended. I went against her instructions, I stayed back at home. I didn't feel like going out that morning. But at about 10:30 am, I decided to take a little walk, inorder to get some food. On my way, I met some rough looking guys. I couldn't figure out what they were doing. All I saw were stools with cartons placed on them. They beckoned on me... As an inquisitive fellow, I was anxious to know what they were doing. I walked up to them boldly. "Oboy!!! triple your score...drop 2K and get 6K..." one of the guys there was told. To my amusement, he played and won the money. Little did I know he was amongst the gamb...